and it’s so cool!
as mentioned before, we work currently on the Re-Texturing of the TTLF-Club. It’s a bit difficult to „replace“ textures on a purchased building. So „THANKS“ that the „Effects“ now work with a PBR-Material and you can put it on a simple PRIM. I have decide to make all Materials not much „reflective“ to reduce the „Render-Lag“. But there is a Material Layer that the most ignore! It’s the Emissive-Layer which don’t interact with the Lights around! This gave me the possibilties to play with „LIGHT“ and „COLOR“ (i wrote a small script which is not finally finished yet, some features must be added for a cool Club Lighting). There is also a little „feature“ missing in the Advanced Light-Tab. The „Light“-Texture is not sizable (even not via LSL – Script). So there is a not „realistic “ lighting, but i could take the same Map as the Emissive in the Material. so there is a „little(!)“ difference to the „real“ Light-Emissive from the Walls. I try to fix it with a custom map that will maybe fit better in the future.
The first (test) PBRs arrived to walls and floors
The Floor and three walls are „PBR-Ready“ and the old Wall decoration (you remember the „Squares“, see following picture) is gone. This Decoration took 43 LI and you know, we NEED every free LI for our Projects.
More (PBR) Work to do…
The next steps would be to add some „additional“ Lights for the „not open“ state (as i said: you need a torch :-D) which interact with the Materials in the Club. The DJ-Booth needs to redesigned for less LI and the new Materials. So i have a bit work until all is „PBR-ready“.
You can take a „first“ Look here and we hope you love it as we do!